April 18, 2009

Special Weekend Edition

There are so many bugs, annoyances, and blahs, that I just had to post on a Saturday.

I'll keep it small.

First of all, my death knight should be Weeinsanity Jenkins, Champion of the Frozen Wastes by now. Should be. I ran heroic HoL last night, had a lot of fun, and then I looked down and noticed that the achievement didn't show up. In fact, it had one grayed out name on the list.


I'm beginning to see why Arthas thought it was totally worth going evil to hunt after that bastard.

Well, that's okay. One of the shaman healers who helped me so kindly to get my bronze drake last week still needs hers. So, she asks me and I'm all over it. A chance to finally get my title AND help a friend? WOOHOO!

But, nobody's on.

Disappointing healers is bad karma, guys.

The icing on the cake, of course, is one minor annoyance that I just don't want to deal with today. The shaman spec I'm least familiar with, enhance, had all my talent points refunded at random! Noooo! I actually have to look up my spec again to fix it, instead of knowing what I'm doing. Ugh. Why couldn't it have been elemental that got messed up?

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