April 13, 2009

The Friendly Skies

My first special mount. I never got the ZA bear. The RNG doesn't love me enough to have given me even a chance at the Baron's mount or either of the mounts Prince Kael'thas can drop (in MgT or TK). But, I finally got my bronze drake. It makes me happy that it's on my gnome, too, in homage of Chromie.

I don't know if I can explain just how happy it makes me, or how amused that even after doing CoS for a week straight with mostly the same group, I still lost the roll every time.

I'm going back. There are two people who still deserve their drakes for helping me as often as they were able to: Ravendream and Melissande. I want to help other friends get it on their alts as well. If I get the mount on alts, I'll be happy. Of course. Who wouldn't? But, that's not a huge motivating factor. It's a fun instance, even after doing it every day for a week straight.

So, I'd like to thank Borin, Cassindra, Ciandros, Melissande, Falgoran, Ravendream, Stoutheart, Teenytanky, Pamathas, Kola, and Abnet for helping me and running with me. (I'm forgetting some other members of The Night Crew, and I'm sorry. Still, thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I still love you all.)

Abnet gets huge thanks, for passing on the mount even though he didn't have it, so that I would get it on Saturday. You killed my complaining rights, but you're good at that. /hug

Wait. This wasn't my Academy Award! Oops!

Moving on...I'm one heroic away from my "Champion of the Frozen Wastes" title! Wish me luck on Halls of Lightning. Oh, and be afraid. I've never set foot in the place before. Hell, I don't know where the instance portal is....

1 comment:

Borin said...

Any time Shavvy.

Secondly, I will help both Ana and Raven get their mounts as well if you wish to keep running it... I'm not a huge fan of the instance, but hey, i need to force myself to pick up badges for my holy set somehow right?

Also, if you haven't gotten HoL by the time I come on next, feel free to make me tank it for you. I've only done that place 3 times (compared to the 11ty billion I've done every other place) so I would be honoured (stupid internet is telling me my Canadian spelling is wrong) to help you finish off your title.