April 6, 2009

A Girl And Her Pets

I have two hunters; one draenei, one blood elf, both on Moonrunner. I've had an orc hunter on an RP server, and my first hunter was a tauren I named Cowvin. (I was going to give him a tiger named Hobbes, of course.) Pet classes and I didn't click, at first. When I was first learning to play, it was actually more of a hinderance for me to have to keep track of a pet. That probably seems backward for most people, since pets add to your survivability, but it's what happened for me.

How many hunters I've gone through, or how many I have now, or how I learned to love the class? Not the subject. This one's all about the pets.

As you may have gathered from me mentioning Cowvin, the names are kinda important to me. I'm a big ol' geek when it comes to names, especially for hunters. For example, my draenei may seem like a mild mannered, normal, almost RP kind of girl with the name of Aislen. Again, I stole it from writing/RPing in the past. (I picked it from a family tree I wrote for the background of my first novel. The character will probably never see the light of print. But, I still needed a name.) Pets were where I could express my fannish side. Her first pet was a crab named JayneCobb. I took her to Westfall and picked up a coyote packleader and named him MalReynolds. There was a bird from Arathi somewhere in there, and I may or may not have at one point owned a ravager. (Every draenei does.) Right now, her pets are a dragonhawk she's had since 18 named RiverTam, a shadowmaw panther named Zoe (that won't be lasting much longer, sadly), and a turtle named Soup.

Yes, Soup.

There are only so many Firefly characters, damn it!

My blood elf, on the other hand, was unabashedly named in a fannish manner. I don't do it often, but my family finally convinced me to watch the new Doctor Who series, which sent me on a nostalgia kick for the old Doctor Who, and I couldn't help myself. Romanaii was born, and her first pet was one of those little white piggies in Durotar named TheDoctor. She just picked up an elder cloud serpent and it's running around being called JackHarkness. Next up, an ape named TheMaster. So far she hasn't garnered as much recognition as Aislen's Firefly pets, but that doesn't matter. It amuses me, and I'm sure some day someone smart enough will stop me and cheer.

Not every hunter indulges in their geek side. (We're playing a video game. Face it. We're all at least a little bit geek.) Some people name their pets to be crass and see how much they can get away with. (My hunter friend with a cat named Pussee...that some of us girls love to lick and hug and other stuff. We're bad! haha) Some people pick pair names like my Cowvin and proposed Hobbes, or the combo of TheCaptain and Tennille I ran into a while back. And, there's the ever popular (and maddening) former fad of naming your pet after a guild healer, or (especially) the main tank.

The pet names hunters pick say a lot about the players behind them. Do you have a "dream name" for a hunter pet you plan on having? What inspires you to name your own pets? What hunters and pets have stuck in your mind over time?

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