March 3, 2009

What time is it?

It's time to play with my UI again!

(SS taken yesterday, while I was out looking for thorium. I'm NEVER going to get enough thorium to level Wee's blacksmithing! I just don't have the patience. Ugh.)

Anyway, it was a pretty layout while it lasted, but I'm pretty tired of it. I like some of the functionality of AutoBar, but for the most part it's just not meshing with me. After all these months I'm still looking in my bags for quest items instead of on my bar, because sometimes they're just not there. And, PitBull with Grid was fine for a while, but it's just not working the way I wanted.

I'm keeping SexyMap. Come hell or high water, that mod stays! It really is sexy. Yum.

My brother has been trying out HealBot on his undead priest, and I think it's time to give that a spin. I've been banging my head against Clique/Grid, and there are a few things that irritate me. For example, Clique doesn't like being active with pet classes. I left it on with it only programmed on my druid for raid heals, and it made my glyphs completely unaccessable on my warlock. For another thing, I can't get it to remember that if I click on Grid buttons I want heals, but if I click on PitBull buttons I want to be able to do defaultish stuff. Like target. Or leave a raid. I had to unbind my right click, and I've been targeting by /tar ____ for the last few weeks. Otherwise, somebody's getting an untimely lifebloom.

The button layout isn't working for me, either. Bartender is great, but I think I messed up the layout myself. I was trying to keep buttons to a minimum, with a minimum of room taken up, but it looks ugly to me now. (I also need to learn how to play my paladin all over again. Things die, sure, and I don't...but I don't know if I'm doing it right. lol)

All that aside...oooh, pretty portal in there! I know it's been there for ages, but it makes me wonder what it's going to be. What's lurking behind all those elite demons in Winterspring? Will we ever know? I'd better get my warlock on the doomguard quest before they remember they've got an instance portal out there that needs to be opened!

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