March 11, 2009


This is somewhat later than I would like it to be. My son keeps bringing home colds and fevers and other nastyness from school with him. Why can't he bring something cute home, like a kitten, or puppies. Even a tauren would be better than this crud! hehe

Speaking of taurens...

There's been a lot of talk in the house about playing Horde the last few days. Raven started out Alliance, he got me to start playing and I made Alliance characters so I could play with him, and it went so on and so forth from there until my brother's wife started playing.

Well, she's got a friend who played on the same server as us, only with her husband who started out Horde. He got her to play Horde, and it went so on and so forth from there, until...

My sis-in-law has five of each faction on Moonrunner, but her main is a blood elf paladin. That's her first 80, that's her favorite, that's her baby, and that's the character with all of her gold.

She keeps hearing all of my "funny" raiding rants, and she wants to raid some day, but she's a bit wary of raiding with "that guy". You know the one. The guy who thinks girls can't play, all healers are girls, and if girls play they must be healers. The guy who yells at everyone. The guy who starts drama over repair costs. The guy who MUST WIN AT ALL COSTS, even though this really isn't the sort of game you "win" to most people. It's not a game to "win" for her. It's a social experience, and something fun to do when being a housewife gets boring. She wants to raid to have fun with her friends. Not for loot, not for "points", not for being better than others. And she doesn't want to deal with some misogynistic prick who wouldn't know "fun" if it bit him on the pecker.

She knows two people on the server with actual raid experience. Me, and another girl who doesn't play on Moonrunner very much. (The other girl has more raid experience than me, with a much more progressed and driven guild. I envy her the chances she has, but I wouldn't give up the friends I've made here for some pixels on a screen, sorry. I'm sticking with my friends who JUST got their first Maly kill.) And somehow one thing got carried into another, and I have a baby mootank in the making.

I've named the baby mootank after the god of death in the novel I'm currently writing. I was going to name him after the god of war, being a warrior and all, but I looked up my notes and realized I don't HAVE a god of war yet! /facepalm

How do you have a fictional pantheon without a god of war?

Don't worry. I'll be fixing this. Soon.

So, if he ever gets past Ragefire Chasm, I'll unveil him here. I'll brag about him. I'll post screenies.

Me. Tanking.

You'd think by now I'd learn.

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