March 6, 2009


If you're running a PuG OS, here's a few words of advice.

Make sure the people you've put symbols over as who to run to for walls KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING, and don't use a yellow star. Some people are color blind, and a yellow star against a yellow flame wall? Kinda dumb.

Just a thought.

No, I don't trust anyone else personally. I bring Wee to OS PuGs on occasion, but I won't bring my druid. Healers kinda have to trust those around them to a certain degree, because you get in that healing zone where health bars are your priority. As melee DPS, I can keep my own eyes on the walls and run to where I know it's safe, rather than try to trust someone with a symbol over their head as being smart enough to run to the safe spot.

(Rant inspired by a near-wipe Raven had the dubious honor of participating in. He's still not used to the fight, so he got killed by trying to follow the star...and he's colorblind.)

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