March 10, 2009

Bad Llama...

I totally skipped yesterday. I sat my butt down and played the game all day, instead of getting anything else done.

I also spent a considerable amount of time complaining about, well, just about everything with one of my friends/guildies.

Actually, yesterday seemed to contain the recurring theme of the RNG. Random Number Generator.

In all my time playing, I have seen a special mount drop ONCE. It was one Brewfest ram. When Raven was doing those runs over and over, though not as often as I was, the ram dropped enough that they had to let one go. Everyone in the party had one. Everyone. And he told me that it dropped ALL THE TIME. I saw one, and it went to someone else.

No kodo. No Baron mount. No ZG mount (though I haven't been in there that often.) No Attumen mount (I went in there all the time, though.) No Headless Horseman mount. No albino chocobo at the end of Magister's Terrace. Heck, I didn't even see the pet drop there.

One Brewfest ram, that I didn't win.

That lack of luck aside, my druid has a hard time winning just about anything. If I'm rolling against someone else on something, I might as well grats them before they roll. My gear upgrades come from the fact that I'm the only druid in our raid group. My gnome-shaped Abnet friend has the same sort of luck, on both his warlock and his rogue, Fred.

I've got a theory. I'm only allowed to bring Ceraan to raids because of her rotten luck. If I brought a character with GOOD luck, nobody would want to bring me along anymore. Don't laugh. I could very well be right.

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