August 14, 2008


Nothing shakes off those "I don't have anything to post about and nobody reads this anyway" blues like a dose of good news.

I got a beta invite for WotLK today. It's currently downloading (at 6% as I type) and I'm in a pretty bouncy mood. Yes, I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!

I've copied my shaman and my druid so far. My shaman is decently geared (just started BT on Sunday and made it all the way to Akama), and my druid is a noob 70 that I just enjoy for the pure joy of enjoying her. I want to see what kind of difference there will be with the quests going in as a raider, and going in as a casual.

See? Without altitis I'd never have this kind of opportunity. ^_^

And, of course, I will be able to know difinitively if I should keep saving my last character slot on Moonrunner for a Death Knight, or if I should just make me a warrior or rogue and be done with it. It might satisfy some of my cravings for new characters, too. Bwahaha!

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