August 2, 2008

Hi, my name is...

If you're not sure how to complete that sentence in game, you might be an altaholic.

Hi. I'm Shavra. And Inara. And Ceraan. And Augr. And Ahrianna. And Grr (even though he's long since been deleted). And a few other in-game names on various servers on the World of Warcraft.

I'm a raider, and a soloer. I'm a grinder. I'm a social butterfly, and I'm a wallflower. I sometimes play different characters when I'm in different sorts of moods. I haven't met a WoW class I don't like, even though I haven't managed to get a rogue past level 10. Strike that, change it. I haven't managed to get a rogue up to level ten. I enjoyed those levels, though. When I've got time, I want to make another rogue and try again, but I'm just so busy lately...

When you're an altaholic, though, you never have time. There's raiding. There's instancing. There's talking with guildies. There's grinding mats for whatever you're crafting. There's grinding gold for whatever you can't craft. There's leveling. There's leveling. And finally, there's always more leveling to do.

Some days, I spend five minutes trying to figure out which alt I want to work on leveling that day. Am I in the mood to do dailies with lightning speed on my elemental shaman? Do I want to pick flowers on my druid, so I have pots for the next raid? Do I want to afk while I take slow chunks out of the health of everything around me on my prot pally? Do I want to hide behind my pet on my warlock or hunter? There's so much to do, and the game never ends.

So, who do you want to be today?

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