January 29, 2010

The hardest thing...

You know one thing that sucks about having so many alts? When the time comes to leave your guild, especially in a huff/to make a point, it's awkward trying to pull the rest of your characters out.

"I'm leaving!"

Log out, log back in on another character.

"And this one, too!"

Log out, log back in on another character.

"And this one."

Log out, log back in on another character.


After the first one, it's not dramatic anymore. It's awkward.

After the third one, it starts to get humorous for those not directly involved in the drama. Your message that you may have thought you were drilling home is now being mocked. Thoroughly mocked.

I've seen it too many times, and my solution was to make my dramatic exit on my main and just wait until the middle of the night to pull the rest.

Yes, I left my awesome guild full of awesome people over the actions of a few. The drama doesn't need to continue so I won't go into it here, but I will say I still feel totally justified. I also feel like I learned a great deal from the experience, and if I'm ever the leader of a large/raiding guild I'll make completely different decisions from those that were made by my previous guild leader.

In other news, I deleted my blood elf rogue and changed to a human. I'll be leveling her as soon as I'm done with my mage (who hit 74 last night). (What? I've been busy lately.)

Last night I had a dream that I was playing a rogue. We were in new content (not ICC, but you know how dreams are) and we were facing a giant of some sort. I was doing 215 dps by brushing his hair, and laughing about it with everyone there.

I mean, who doesn't want to brag about their poor dps while doing something completely silly? And by the time the giant went down, he had NICE hair.

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